Banco do Brasil Foundation


GRI 102-9

Since 2017, BB Foundation has followed the Regulation for Biddings and Contracts of Banco do Brasil - RLBB, resulting from Law 13.303/2016, which regulates bids and contracting services, including engineering, advertising and sponsorship, purchases, leases and disposals of assets, execution of works and administration of contracts.

Contracting is carried out through bidding processes, except for the cases of direct contracting, provided for RLBB, aiming at the selection of the most advantageous proposal, observing the principles of impersonality, legality, morality, advertising, efficiency, administrative probity, economy, sustainable national development, linkage to the invitation to bid, achievement of competitiveness and objective judgment.

In compliance with the principle of sustainable national development, whenever possible, the specification of the object of the contract contains sustainable criteria, duly justified, without prejudice to the principles of isonomy and competitiveness, using the Padrão de Compras e Descartes Sustentáveis do Banco do Brasil (Sustainable Purchasing and Waste Standards of Banco do Brasil) instrument as a reference.

The contracts signed by BB Foundation are monitored and supervised by employees, specially designated for this purpose, and published at BB Foundation website, on the Internet, for public access and control.

BB Foundation demands from its suppliers, in their contractual instruments, a commitment for not using negative discriminatory practices in accessing and maintaining employment, with respect for diversity, with the preservation of the environment, with the provisions of the anti-corruption law (Law 12.846/2013), with the repudiation of harassment conducts, with the observance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in compliance with labor legislation and with the orientation of their conduct by ethics and other principles that guide labor contractual relations.

Information Technology

In 2020, BB Foundation’s corporate systems received support and important improvements that added new resources for greater agility in contracting and managing socioenvironmental projects.

The Social Technologies selection, accreditation and awarding process was reformulated and digitized, adding new features to the platform Transforma! which provided agility and interactivity to the award events, with emphasis on the Challenge Transforma! public call.

In compliance with the General Law for the Protection of Personal Data - LGPD, an exclusive channel was made available on BB Foundation’s portal, with access to the Privacy Policy and a specific form for requesting information, providing greater transparency in the treatment of the database.

In the area of fundraising, portals were developed to receive donations for emergency causes served under the Structured Humanitarian Aid Program.

Aiming to operationalize the resources resulting from the partnership with the Ministério da Mulher, da Família e dos Direitos Humanos - MMFDH (Ministry of Women, Family and Human Rights), a solution was developed to support the Solidarize-se Program, which enabled the agile service to more than 2,000 Long-stay Institutions for the Elderly (ILPI), so that they could mitigate the harmful effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.

In view of the need for business continuity in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, an environment with remote access to BB Foundation employees was made possible, which provided working conditions under home office regime, ensuring the continuity of our internal processes and the supported socioenvironmental projects.