BB Foundation Internet portal provides address, email and telephone numbers for contact, as well as a list of all managers, in addition to links to the institutional profiles of social networks.
The portal contains the area “Access to Information” Learn more at:, where the information required by Law 12.527, from 18.11.2011, known as Lei de Acesso à Informação - LAI (Law for Access to Information) is made available.
BB Foundation also has a channel for handling doubts and receiving criticism, praise and complaints, called “Contact us”,
Acesse: available on the institution's portal.
Complaints involving employees that deal with conflicts, deviations from ethical conduct, noncompliance with internal rules and ethical consultation, relating to BB Foundation, can also be forwarded through the Internal Ombudsman of Banco do Brasil, which is the direct communication channel for employees. The contact on the channel can be made anonymously or identified, preserving secrecy and confidentiality in the handling of all demands
BB Foundation makes available on its Internet portal access to the Reporting Channel Learn more at: intended for receiving and handling complaints of criminal offenses. The space may also receive suspicions of harmful acts, qualifying as corruption, practiced by employees or by third parties against BB Foundation, as a result of the execution of socioenvironmental projects. This channel ensures anonymity and the report can be made by any citizen.
BB Foundation has voluntarily included institutional information on “GIFE Transparency Panel”,
It is an online tool that organizes and provides relevant institutional information about the foundations and institutes associated with GIFE from a group of indicators. Visit for further information: them public, demonstrating a commitment for improving transparency practices.
BB Foundation has the Transparent NGO Seal, issued by Doar Institute, which certifies the transparency and availability of information on our portal.